Benefits of sports.

Although research interest on physical and health dates back to the 195os, the breakthrough in the scientific evidence on health benefits of physical activity largely took place during the 1980s and 1990s.

There is good scientific evidence that being physically active can help us lead healthier lives. Regular physical can reduce the risk of many chronic conditons, including coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, obesity, mental health problems and musculoskeletal conditions.

We can do a short selection about the some benefits that sport can produce in our health.
For example, participation in physical activity and sport has been shown to be effective for reducing:

* Depression.
* Anxiety.
* Psychological distress.
* Emotional disturbance.

- A reniew of research on this topic found that low-to-moderate physical exercise, even in a single session, can reduce anxiety.
- Another year-long study concluded that increases in aerobic fitness have both short and long-term beneficial effects on psycological health.
- Research also shows taking part in sport, and specting, have a positive impact on the wellbeing and happiness of individuals.

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