Friday 23 October 2015

The Sport Journal.

On twentynineth of november, CAFYD students will have started to write a sport newspaper wich has differrent sections. This newspaper is getting very fast his famous because everybody in Salamanca are waiting for it.

It will be the first sport newspaper in Salamanca where will have all information of the province.

This boom is normal due to students is doing a hardwork for that this newspaper will be a true.
Finally, this newspaper won´t have empathy with any team, it will be general and widely accepted.
In general, the majority of the information will be about footbal, tennis and basketball with their respective results and statistics.

Activities about sports:

For practise our english have some exercises about sports and other exercise is different.

And other different exercise can find here, about "Metaphors for students as writers"

Initially, newspaper will be about sports but students don´t close doors for in the future writing about others sections for more interest of the people.

This can see a example of English journals:

- Journal Surf.

The sport camp.

In June will celebrate the fourth anniversary of Pontificia´s university wich organise a sport camp for his students that will be organised in Alicante.
The activities that will be practised are: football, basketball, voleyball, golf, etc.
Furthermore, children enjoy going to differents parks or practising trekking. Trekking will be practise by Alicante, where there are good places for practise this activity.
The capacity of this sport camp hasn´t limit, the organization can organise this camp with all person that want to participate.

Around one hundred of students like practising this activities because will have good trophys and cash for the participants.
However, this camp will be visited by famous people, Vicente del Bosque and Raúl Gonzalez will visit the camp and they will have a incredible experience with the students. This camp is an important event where children do new friends and they will can have nice memories.

You can see some videos about activities than kids practise in a sport camp from Youtube.
I show a example here:

*Practise of english vocabulary: activities vocabulary
*You can see more information about the camp in our page.

The enviroment.

To start, Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organization that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the enviroment and to promote peace by:

  1. Catalysing an energy revolution.
  2. Defending our oceans.
  3. Protecting the world´s ancient forest.
  4. Working for disarmament and peace.
  5. Creating a toxic free future.
  6. Campaigning for sustainable agriculture.

Greenpeace is present in more than 55 countries across Europe, the America´s, Asia,  Africa and Pacific. It does not accept donations from governments or corporations but relies on contributions from individual supporters and foundation grants.


Greenpeace´s page is here.

The Earth is in trouble, it is being destroyed.
Companies, people have neglected to care the enviroment, however some groups called "enviromentalists" try to teach correct forms to preserve the Earth.

The principal and easiest advise that enviromentalist:
- You should have three containers of differents colours at home. This topic is very useful which many people have it.
- Recycle isn´t going to deposit trash to the container. For it, is necessary know where you have deposit differents materials and packs.
- Each material is allied with a container. 
- This containers are assigne with your own kind of material.

*For more information you can search information here:

Basketball competition.

Inauguration of Salamanca´s school competition of basketball will be celebrated in March, which will be composed by 12 teams.
All participants can registered during the following days in secretary where you have to give your information:

* Name of the team. 
* Name of participants. 
* ID number.

Only this information is necessary for participate in the championship.
About awards will be accompained by some money for the winners, Furthermore, champioship will invite to come everyone who wants.

To start, followers of this event and players willgo to Helmántico Stadium for celebrate the inauguration of the trophy. The competition are designed by Pep Guardiola´s football director who is visiting the city during this week. To add, participants and followers will enjoy with music, pubs, dances... etc. 
November will be entertauning and Salamanca will recive a lot visitors.

Basketball rules.
- Basketball is played by two teams who score points by throwing a ball into the opposing team´s basket. The team who score the most points are the winners.
- Each tema has a squad of 12 players to choose from.
- The game consists of four quarters of 10 minutes each, with a 15 minute break at half time.
- Two points for a goal inside the three-point semi circle, and three points for goals scored from outside.

For more information about Basketball: click here.

Practise your english vocabulary: sports vocabulary english.
